I married my best friend. Sixteen years ago today!
It just doesn't seem possible. A lot has happened in these sixteen years. Some good, some bad, some awesome, some ugly...but I wouldn't change any of it. Why you ask? Because everything that has happened has had a Master author behind it writing our story and I have been fortunate to have my best friend by my side during it all.
Jay and I both moved here to the County from Toronto in '94 after Jay became ill and couldn't stay in the city anymore. We both left our families, careers and everything familiar to us to find a new life in the town my father had moved to many years previously. We've never looked back.
What did we find here you may ask and what did 16 years of marriage see? Even if you aren't asking, I'm gonna tell you.
We found God. First and foremost we found the peace and security we'd always been looking for but never really understood we were looking for. We have peace now in knowing that our lives are not accidents and that we have a purpose here.
I've gotten to know my dad. After growing up without my father if has been wonderful these last 14 years getting to know him, and learning to love and respect him for
WHO he is and not just for who he is.
On the same note, I've been able to get to know my sister, who moved out when I was young and I never really remembered too well. My sister is also my best friend. We spend so much time together and there is an honest love and respect in our relationship that I feel extends further than just a family tie.
We gave birth to two awesome children who constantly inspire us, amaze us, challenge us, and drive us nuts all at the same time.
We started a business that helped us to buy our first house. We folded said business and have been searching ever since for that 'perfect' job opportunity.
We found a church family that we love.
My incredible sister-in-law became a Christian and I've had the honour of watching her grow in her walk with our Lord and become an incredibly generous and loving woman. At the same time, I've also been able to watch her children grow up into lovely people. Actually, just between you and me (?), her daughter is one of my favourite people :)
We have made good friends here with the type of people whom we didn't fully understand existed. Good people. Loving and giving people. Funny people. Generous people. People we count ourselves blessed to be considered
their friends.
We've made friends with people and we've experienced the pain of watching some of them die. Two of them young, one unnecessarily and one to disease, called home to Glory early. One friend recently just returned to Glory. This man was what Jay and I called our 'spiritual father' when he and his wife lived here. They took us under their wings as baby Christians and helped to feed us the spiritual milk needed at the time and gave us our first spiritual meat. We miss these people, all of them, but thank God for knowing them.
We've seen the birth of nieces and nephews and watched three of them struggle to survive after being born prematurely. We've watched them grow up (with the exception of the newest addition of course) into wonderful young people.
A lot has happened in the 16 years we've been married. So much that I obviously can't write it all here. These are just some of the highlights and lowlights.
I look forward to the next 16 years and seeing what Jay, God and the kids are going to bring to this marriage.
To end this post I leave you with what else, pics of our lives.
My girlfriend took this pic just before I left for dinner with Jay, the night he proposed.
This is us at my dad's in Picton the weekend we told him about our engagement.
What else? Our wedding day.
Our first "apt" after moving from the city. We stayed in my dad and stepmom's basement.
Newborn Amy in our Hill St. apt. For those of you who know whom I'm talking about, this apt. was right next door to the old manse, when Pastor Carl and Sue lived there.
Amy then...
Amy now...

Simon as a newborn...
Simon then....
Simon now...

Amy and Simon then..
The old 'Jay Rutherford Cartage' truck...
Good friends past...
(another friend to be posted once I get a picture scanned)Good friends present...
Nieces and nephews (an old but good pic)

our newest niece...a little beauty
(two more nieces to be included shortly once I get the pics scanned)
And a pic for all those who wouldn't believe it unless they saw it...Jay the day after we got engaged! Look how skinny the dude was!
Our crazy little family today...
Jay and I happily married today.... Happy Anniversary honey!!!