Thursday, January 15, 2009

It Works!!!!

My little knitting felting machine works great! Both pairs of slippers felted more and they are in the dryer now (no, no I know I probably shouldn't put them in there) because it's soooo cold here, Si's and my feet are freezing. We both want out slippers NOW! lol

I'm also doing up a load of delicates, although I'm not sure if it's still termed delicates with Jay's and Si's in there hehe.

This little baby is gonna be a life saver for me. Whenever I need just a tiny load to do I can throw it in there. It's gonna be especially great for me who cannot go a day without spilling something on myself and staining my shirts. Now I will just spray and throw it in my little personal washer and voila! cleaned without a large amount of water and hydro. :-D

One side effect which I think is good, because I kept them out of a bag (normally to protect your washer you put felted items in a pillow case or some such) they are flufflier and I like that :)

Oh oh oh, I had already posted this but I just had another thought! I can take this camping with me woohoo! No more hand washing in the bathtub woot woot!


kkaci said...

Vic, that is so great. About how large is it?

You may hear a knock on your door the next time I have a felting project :-D.

How did the slippers turn out?

Anonymous said...

so that little metal thing is a clothes washer? and it felts things?? lol i am confused!


Anonymous said...

hahaha! Yes it's a little clothes washer and it felts things LOL!!

Felting is the process of shrinking something that has been knitted out of 100% wool. You know how you are NOT supposed to wash wool clothing in hot water nor put it in the dryer? A top our size would end up fitting a doll if you did :)

I knit things really large, like say slippers (that would fit Shrek) then I wash them in really hot water with a couple of things in the water (like runners) to help beat the knitted item up. This ends up 'felting' the item...shrinking it and turning the yarn into a thick, strong fabric.

Anonymous said...

okay I get it now.
Sounds cool. I love the little hats you made for Amy and that little girls. cutest things ever!
