Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Looky What I Got...

My own personal little counter top felter. I put a request out on Freecycle looking for one of these babies not thinking I'd really have much luck.

Well, guess what!!! I was wrong. I am so excited and so grateful to Linda for donating this baby to me. Right now it's on my kitchen counter re-felting Simon's and my slippers with 3 wooden cars added for extra agitation. It has an agitator that reverses itself automatically and runs for 15 minutes at a time.

I'll let you know how it does.

I'm so excited. (I'm such a geek)

2 comments: said...

OK, I had never even heard of such a machine!!! Shows you what a knitting newbie I am! I'm actually knitting my first project that will be felted when completed. I'll let you know how it turns out!

Sophia said...

that's so cool! Man I need to ask for some cool stuff on freecycle and see if I can get it to-hehehee