Thursday, June 26, 2008

Fresh, Chewy Homemade Pretzels..yummm!
Anyone want the recipe, just let me know and I'll email it to you :)
Monday, June 23, 2008
Very Scary...and here I was worried I was doing something wrong.
Am I doing the right thing? Am I teaching them properly? How do we find enough hours in the day to cover everything we need to?
Some of you know of Amy's math challenges. We had Amy evaluated a couple years ago to figure out why she has such a hard time retaining certain information and discovered that she has a strong cross-dominance issue. Simply put, info goes in on the wrong side of the brain and has to travel to the other side to be processed. This can cause delays in her reasoning process and incredible frustration for her and me :(
Amy is a brilliant child. Artistic, creative, curious, funny and strong willed. After the evaluation we were able to adopt and adapt different coping strategies to help her with her lessons. We have had great success.
She has managed to move ahead a couple of grades in her math skills this past year alone and we are all very pleased and proud of her accompishments. I have no doubt that she will eventually develop a functional use of mathematics that will see her through her adult life. No, she will not be an accountant or mathematician, but she will be able to balance a chequebook and perhaps even run her own busines with the help of appropriate business software. That is my goal. To give her confidence in her abilities to live a full and rich life, not one tinged with confusion and embarrasement as it is right now when she deals with simple money issues in a store.
This brings me to the reason for this post. I receive a newsletter everyday (roughly) from Sheila Wray-Gregoire, author and fellow homeschooler. This morning her blog post redirected me to a YouTube video that just floored me. Take a look and see what you think.
Take make a long story short, here I have been worrying, praying, crying, praying and worrying some more about Amy and Simon's math skills. Si doesn't have any problems, boy can that boy do mental math! Sometimes he can totally surprise me with his mathematical prowess, especially when there's money involved LOL.
The kids in the public school system really have my sympathies. IF as they show in this video, they are being taught these multiplying in parts and lattice math algorithms here in Canada, I AM so glad I am homeschooling my kids. What about mastery of math facts? What happened? Poor Amy would be totally lost and probably "identified" with a learning disability, put on drugs and held back in school. HA! To me, Amy has a challenge to be learnt, dealt with and overcome. NOT A DISABILITY.
Whatever happened to the simple math algorithms of my youth? These are what I am teaching my children and they are understanding AND succeeding. Why does everything have to be complicated?
I guess that's also true in our Christian walk...
There are so many self-help books out there. How to pray, how to read your bible, how to walk on water, how to how to how to...
When really, all we need to do to get closer to our God is spend time with him. Sure, the bible is sometimes difficult to understand and we do need some help sometimes to understand a scripture, but all we really need is to pray and ask God to open our eyes and help us to understand.
The more time we spend with God, the more time we spend on our knees simply talking to Him and pouring out our hearts, the more time we spend in fellowship with other believers, then He will help us master our walk.
Success and fulfillment, whether it be in mathematics or our walk with our Lord all comes down to Mastery. Time and commitment.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Family Music Videos
When Amy was little she always loved to sing in the car. No matter where we going, you could always count on hearing her in the back seat singing Amazing Grace, His Eye Is On The Sparrow or some other hymn in the sweetest, most beautiful voice. I so miss those days.
Now I have to beg her to sing for me. I'm grateful that we recorded a cd when she was 9 years old for her grandpa's Christmas present. I occasionally pull out that cd and listen to it and remember those days. It feels so long ago now.
Will she ever get back the desire to sing publicly? Will she remember that her voice is a gift from her Lord and use it for Him? I pray so.
I've put together a few videos here to share. Hope you enjoy them as much as Jay and I do.
Singing at Wesley Acres summer of 2007.
This is Amy's voice recital from June 2007 accompanied by her music teacher Robert Martin.
Singing "You Make It Rain for Me" at Wesley Acres 2006. The following songs were sung for a fundraiser for Jon & Carol Reeds mission trip Brazil.
Wayfaring Stranger
Go Light Your World
Amy and Simon both participated in the Rising Stars Competition last September 2007. These video are their showcase performances on the last day, September 9th.
The last couple of videos are of Simon. The first one he's singing at our church. We were there one evening practicing some music Amy was supposed to sing, and Simon wanted his moment in the limelight.
Simon's voice recital at age 5 with Emily Fennell. Here he's singing the song from Pinocchio, "I've Got No Strings".
Comments welcome :-)
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Just for the fun of it
This is so cute, I just have to share. The kids are sooo young in this.
WWKIP OR Just An Excuse To Meet Up With A Friend?
Anyways, back to WWKIP. We met, we drank, we talked, we knitted and we met a lovely lady, Michelle who came in with her hubby for a coffee and lo and behold, to knit! We had met a fellow knitter by chance who didn't even no about WWKIP.
Michelle and hubby had all kinds of questions about the area and Ann-Marie totally impressed me with her knowledge and promotion of the County. Everything from the Maple Syrup festival to the Santa Claus parade, from the future skatepark to schools, from all sorts of local attractions to restaurants and winerys...the girl is a fount of information. I used to be the Maketing Specialist (in my life before kids and the County) but I couldn't have remembered all that if my life depended upon it. Was it having children or spending years focussing on homeschooling that have dulled my brain? Oh lala, I have no idea :-(
I enjoyed our visit although it was way too short, not like the evening visits we've had where we've knit until 1am sometimes.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Knitting Projects
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Melancholy Moments
Janna's husband was the pastor of our church, for only a few short years. I didn't really have the opportunity to get to know Janna really well until the last few months while her hubby was living in TO and she stayed home here in the County with the children.
A bunch of girls have been meeting once a week for craft nights at Janna's home to:
1. keep her company
2. get ourselves out of the house for an evening
3. eat
4. work on various crafts whether it be scrapbooking, sewing, drawing or the biggest fave knitting.
I wasn't able to make it to every craft night but when I did, I loved being there and catching up with everyones news. You were always guaranteed to go home with tired stomach muscles from laughing at Janna and Ann-Marie's "do you remember when?" anectdotes or Michelle's stories about her crazy, busy and downright exhausting life (mom of 3 teenage boys, need I say more?)
We've had chocolate fondues, fruit and chocolate trays, cookies, birthday cake, and sometimes healthy stuff too. But the most fun was Janna's birthday last week. Everyone turned out for this night. There was no crafting but lots of laughter, stories and good food.
Janna even got a gift of her most favourite item and put it to quick use.
I'm going to miss these evenings. Janna and the children are moving on Monday for their new home in TO. I know it's not really a goodbye, because we can keep in touch via emails and blogs, but I'm also realistic. When will I see these people again? It seems you find people, discover a commanality, begin to create a bond...then they move on. It reminds me of this beautiful piece:
Reason, Season, or Lifetime Friends
When someone is in your life for a reason, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed outwardly or inwardly. She has come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally, or spiritually.
She is there to meet a need. Then without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time, she will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes she dies. Sometimes she walks (or moves) away. Sometimes she acts up or out and forces you to take a stand. What we must realize is that the need has been met.
When a person comes into your life for a season, it is because your turn has come to share, grow, or learn. She may bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh. She may teach you something you have never done. She usually gives you an unbelievable amount of joy.
Lifetime relationships teach you lifetime lessons. Those things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. You must accept the lesson, love the person/people anyway, and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life.
Source: Anonymous
Whether Janna has been in my life for a reason, a season or will become a lifetime friend, I am and will always be grateful for her friendship, prayers and advice.
I've never been very good at maintaining long distance friendships. Can't stand phones, driving and goodbyes. In this case though, I think I will make an exception. It's not often one meets a person or family like this and to just lose touch would be a shameful sin. So beware Cylka's you aren't getting away that easy...from us or the people in the County who love you.
So, yes I am feeling melancholy and a little sad...but that's allowed isn't it?
Great things await this family and I will enjoy discovering them on their blog as they happen.
God bless you Clyka family.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
To Purge Or Not To Purge...
Sunday, June 8, 2008
My recent trip to Calgary or "OUR SECOND HONEYMOON"
We had such a great time. I got there at 9:30pm (Ab time) and after negotiating Calgary traffic, we were at Jay's place by 10:30.
Thanks to all my friends who prayed for me. The flight was so much better than I've ever experienced. Take off and landing were a breeze, although being up that high was unsettling on both my nerves and my stomach. I ended up closing the blind on my window for the flight.
WestJet was awesome and let me bring my knitting onboard, so I knitted, watched tv and listened to some homemade music cd's for the 4 hr flight.
I took 4 UFO's with me on the flight, in case I got bored with one I could switch to another (UFO in knitting terms is Un Finished Objects for those of you who weren't quite sure what I was talking about).
While at Jay's I was able to finish Simon's socks and started again on the 2nd sock of my first attempt at fair-isle knitting (which I have almost finished).
For those of you wondering why on earth I would knit while with my hubby whom I have seen only twice in 7 months...believe me all knitting was done while he was at work the Wed, Thurs and Fri (wink).
Sunday we attended church at the Free Methodist housechurch that Jay has been attending, Pineridge House. What an awesome group of people. They were very warm and welcoming to me and I could see clearly the affection they have for Jay. You have no idea how much this has set my mind at rest, meeting his new friends and pastor. There are approximately 30 people in this church including the children. The majority of the families are homeschoolers as well...too cool.
We enjoyed a lovely meal and fellowship after church (they do this every Sunday) and then went on our way. Out to dinner at the home of an old friend of mine (the place where Jay stayed when he first got to Calgary) and home.
Monday we went to Banff, Lake Louise and very briefly B.C. We missed the Lake Louise turn off and ended up in B.C. for all of maybe 5 minutes?
Pictures of our trip can be found at http://picasaweb.google.ca/VictoriaRutherford/CalgaryTrip2008
That trip was over so quickly and if it wasn't for the fact I have two amazing kids here at home waiting for me, I might never have come back.
Will keep you posted on what happens next...whether Jay comes home or we go to Jay.